What do people do when they’re blogger blocked?
They start rambling about every single thing that might or might not be considered an actual thing. I’ll save you the drill of telling you how much I’ve got to get down before today’s trial examination and all that shit. If you’re a frequent reader of this blog, you’ll know that being sleepless, caffeinated and the proud owner of a serious itch to get one’s nerd on, as a friend puts it, is rather a postulated surmise around here. If there’s a blog post on your dashboard, odds are it’s been written at an ungodly hour of night when I’ve gone through the whole psyche alteration cycle a couple of times over, given up on the fact of trying to function as an individual and eventually resorted to the much soothingly unrequited ranting to a very tolerant patch of good ole cyber space.
I tried to catch some eye shut and after a couple of failed trials, I decided Imma head off and call it a night. I grabbed my book from the bedside table and stomped to the door. Walking the hallway, I found the housemaid cleaning up, said good morning and continued with my trance. Halfway to the couch, I found an unidentified face pacing from room to room. A lady. I wasn’t quite sure if she was a figment of my imagination or an actual living stranger in our premises, so I ended up in the living room, with a face that sent my mom and dad on a hysterical laughing fit as I stopped in my tracks pointing at the room with the moving entity and saying: ‘And Who the hell is she again?’ My mom elaborated that she’s the new housemaid, then she wondered what I said to her when I found a complete stranger strolling down our apartment.
‘I said Good Morning’.
I just had my fifth coffee of the day. And I mean day in the mathematical sense rather than the humane one, since I haven’t slept in almost 18 hours. I’m sitting in the balcony listening to the jumbled and rather confused – which, for the record, I spelled ‘confusioned’ a couple of seconds ago and backspaced – oomph of cars as they gear up for another round of the clock. A bird, wild finch, just came and checked me out. Pretty gutsy for a creature that’s about One twentieth my size.
This is going nowhere.
But then again it doesn’t have to.