These couple of weeks have given me a lot of time and reasons to come down to many realizations. You know, those middle of the night aha moments where a light bulb materializes in the thin air above your forehead and you end up smacking it off because the pain of that revelation almost scorches it and end up with a theatrical facepalm? Yeh, those ones.
I realized that at this point of my life, my sanity has been sufficiently unhinged to make me see things that no other person can second. I’ve been told that I needed professional help by two of my closest people and I came upon the conclusion that my psyche Vikings push people who care away with tiny little axes and dismember them in an obscure vault in my subconscious while simultaneously convincing me that they never gave a fuck to begin with, or existed, for that matter. Shame I had to find out after being held hostage and led into that same room earlier this week when I tried to take care, the only way I can, about that little figment of evolution’s imagination that goes by the name of soul, proudly crowned with a ‘my’ pronoun that isn’t really its own, nor mine.
I realized that people actually care, I just was never let to believe it by my Vikings because it was easier that way, it was much easier when everybody was a temporary it that never gave a crap and never will. It prevented the progress of a thing that was more likely by historical odds to leave by making it sound like it never intended to stay. The Vikings weren’t happy that I sneaked into their HQ and found out about their current war strategy. I’m guessing they’ll wage another soon enough, with a strategy that I have no clue about, a plan B that hasn’t been put down in textbooks or tried on a former human psyche. And I use the term human loosely.
‘It would be difficult to determine the state of that soul and what form it had assumed, under its twisted envelope. If we were to attempt to penetrate into Quasimodo’s soul through its thick, hard outer shell, if we could sound the depths of that twisted mind, explore the shadowy interior of that opaque creature, illuminate its obscure corners and absurd blind alleys and suddenly throw a clear light on the spirit enchained at the bottom of that cavern, we would no doubt find it stunted and rickety, like those prisoners in the dungeons of Venice who grew old bent double in a stone box too low to stand in and too short to lie in.
Quasimodo scarcely felt within himself the blind stirrings of a soul made in his own image. The impressions of external objects underwent considerable refraction before they reached his understanding. He received almost no immediate perceptions; the external world seemed further away to him than it does to us. His brain twisted all the ideas which passed through it. He was therefore the victim of endless optical illusions and aberrations of judgment; his thoughts wandered aimlessly, sometimes mad, sometimes idiotic.’
I realized that my logic, uttered incessantly by the voices inside my head, has been rendered inept; it’s no longer one that I could listen to and follow with confidence, because by the statement of people whose word I’ve learned to trust more than my own, it’s no longer in sync with that of the world. It’s been pushed back into another dimension by the aforementioned Vikings, known to the world as defense mechanisms.
I realized that the world is not coded in mathematics, and couldn’t be predicted with formulas, because it’s full of ‘People’ whose formulas are too volatile to be bracketed in one general term. In fact, they’re so elaborate that even if you take one person and try to formulate and extrapolate his actions and reactions, there’d still be more variables than the slots you’ve made into their formula, and as a consequence would be impossible to fit in just one and quite a laborious task to try and make an extended version of that x function to include all those y variations, let alone know, by your current state of judgment, their true limit or form.
In the words of a good friend, the only consolation is this: “Being nuts isn't a bad thing, look what all the sanity brought to the world.”
As for the solution, I’m not nearly one to know.