Life Lesson #230: Altruism is projected Nazism in disguise. If you don’t love yourself, then don’t be so surprised when time decides another holocaust is due.
Life Lesson #231: Nobody is at their worst as when they pretend to be at their best. You are no good for yourself. But then again nobody is. Next time you say you’re fine, make sure you mean it. If you don’t, say it anyway. Because in the end, nobody else needs to know, they don’t give a shit; they have their own shit to handle and they like and cherish it like their own pet, and if they do know you’ll just end up with a huge pie of mismatched manure. That doesn’t make any sense.
Life Lesson #232: Expatriate (noun): Culturally Neutered.
Life Lesson #233: In times that your body reacts when your head doesn’t want it to and your heart yb2a zy el m5alas maynobsh 3’er ta2tee3 hedoomoo; you end up with more bathroom trips than a diarrheic and worse swollen heels than your jogging glory days.
Life Lesson #234: You know what’s the worst thing about Gawaz 3orfy? You were never married in the first place. You know what’s the best thing about Gawaz 3orfy? You were never married in the first place.
Life Lesson #235: Come on, come on, put your hands into the fire.
Life Lesson #236: It has been proven that you can keep the existence of a person a secret for almost half a decade with absolutely no glitches – well, save for bin laden that is, given the fact that he was already dead half the time, but anyway you probably get the point. And you thought keeping secrets was hard? Naw, all you need is the right amount of terror, be it social, cultural or plain wimpass-ness. You’d think one would be flattered that they’re oh so important; judging the fact that somebody took a huge ladle out of their time and energy to keep you in their life, but i just gotta say it rates second right after being listed in their restraining order.
Life Lesson #237: A white blank page, and a swelling rage.
Life Lesson #238: Avoidance is good. And no, i’m not talking about nukes.
Life Lesson #239: Why?