I’d forgotten how nice taking a break from people felt. It’s so liberating, you know. I’ve had a perfectly nice day; I brushed up on my rusty piano skills, watched an episode of Skins, checked my e-mails, took a nap, had tea, and I’m just 4 hours into it. I’ve got to work on my Maths assignments and probably a little bit of Chem on the side. Everything’s just suddenly so real all of a sudden. That’s probably why one’s meant to stay in one’s head. I’m gonna have to get my day back upright sometime, but as long as things are getting done then I don’t really mind. It doesn’t really make that much of a difference.
This is stupid but, I was in the car with dad yesterday and the ride home was gonna take about 40 minutes or so. I stretched and watched the sky from the car window, and I remembered how when I was a kid I used to lie on my back in the backseat all the ride home from work – because both of my mom and dad have jobs so they used to drag me along up until the age of 8 when grandma decided to assume the role of babysitting that she dropped when we moved out at the age of 6 – and just watch the constellations. I’d always ask dad the same question over and over again just to have him tell me a story and he’d tell it all over again. “Are we following the stars or are the stars following us?” Then he’d say: “It depends on how you look at it”, followed by a really long lecture dumbed down to the mind of an 8-year-old about how the earth is round. And then mom would always say: “Or the stars could be following us home.” I remember being so satisfied, and how I sometimes fell asleep and dad would speed up all of a sudden and hit the brakes just for kicks and I’d end up a ball on the floor board. I’m not going anywhere with this, I just had this memory at the back of my head for so long that it seems it belongs to another life. I can’t believe I’d forgotten about it. It’s odd.
I voted today. I felt so big, like I ruled the universe. I was, however, the shortest adult there. I had three really annoying chicks in front of me who kept spraying perfume in the air and talking flirtatiously because they know they’re being watched. They had really large bags with all sorts of stupid chick objects in them, notebooks and perfume, little make-up bags, cell phones and just mainly a lot of clutter that they’re never gonna use. Why are they walking around with their entire toiletry articles? In my head they were just mobile toilet cabins. They made fun of the school and the people there, they were mean to the people who asked around, they made a huge deal out of the fact that at sometime when we were standing in line they had to pass by the restroom. They added brushed accents that lapsed when the sentence got longer. I just got so, I dunno, pissed, somehow. They never did anything to hurt me so I realise I’m being judgemental, but the whole contrast, I don’t know, it’s pissed me off. I hate chicks, I really do. Never quite digested the mechanisms of being one and am quite repelled by em plastics. I’m probably jelling, but whatever, it’s my blog, so sue me. My dad was so excited about the whole process. He got up early to vote and called me from work to explain the routine, they were both at work when I got around to it so I got confused a lot and kept asking everybody what to do next. It wasn’t that long of a walk from home, and there were so many people there. Everybody was so cheerful and politically active, they all made jokes and everybody was suddenly nice to everybody. The whole air to the place was very..warm. There were a couple of channels covering it, and needless to say they overlooked the entire line of sweaty citizens and right up to the chick clan that got all squeaky chorusing “ta7ya masr” and topping it off with a giggle. I should’ve been born a dude. Seriously, there I was, with my nerdy glasses, my tank top and a little bag where I’d stuffed in a book, my phone and a water bottle. Meh. It was really odd using my ID card for the first time. I’m an adult..wow..haha. “Adult”. Right.