Life Lesson #30: You can be impulsive all you want, within national limits.
Life Lesson #31: Looking at your laptop for 5 hours won’t make things happen. Dumping your laptop for 5 hours will.
Life Lesson #32: When you hug someone and they don’t hug back, it means you should probably buzz off, actually that shoulda buzzed off long ago. The only things allowed not to hug back are trees, and I have a friend who is a firm believer that trees do hug back.
Life Lesson #33: Best friends are the ones who get the best of you, but it’s the close ones that close the deal. Pwned.
Life Lesson #34: With a good book glued to your hands, headphones stuffed halfway into your head and a good jogging route, you couldn’t ask for more. Probably new running shoes though, but you get the point.
Life Lesson #35: Doing a 446 Interview on an FB app that you know no one’s gonna read is one of em stop signs fate smashes, zeuss-style, in front of you almost skinning your nose in the process. Stop. See how pathetic that is. Move on.
Life Lesson #36: Hang out with the people you can “not make sense” with and call fucktards without them minding. Formalities are nothing but wedgies up intimacy’s ass.
Life Lesson #37: When you have better stories to contribute on FML and MLIA, it’s also one of em nose-skinning stop signs, only this time up your ass.
Life Lesson #38: Ditch. Be ditched. Don’t ditch. Be ditched all the same. I say fucking ditch.
Life Lesson #39: Not getting coffee when you’re a coffee addict should not coincide with major events in your life. Life’s coffee is de-caff. You need the coffee fix.
May I ask for a cheerful blog post? Just one. There's good things in your life too. Yalla.
7ader. Rainbows and bunnies 3shan 5atrek next time.
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