Saturday, 31 July 2010



uhm. erm. uh. Morning. People of the world. You know what happens if you’re doped to sleep and drink coffee? That’s like what happens when you have a frying pan that’s smouldering hot then jam it under a tap of cold water. As a good friend puts it, it goes “Tshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”.

Euuh, you know what I do when I want coffee? I make tea. :)

And and, molten gebna roumy. That helps with the coffee fix.

Wow. This feels awesome man. I mean, wow. This dope is some screepy shit. I wanted to say scary but then I started to say creepy. Whoa. I can’t make a fist anymore. haha. Not funny. ha-ha. I’m laughing though. No I’m not. Yes I am.

Did I tell you how much I like grilled carrots? Well I do.

And I bet if they were real they’d love me right back.

But carrots are real, in some sense of the word.  You could touch and see them and all. So carrots do love me back.

How do you think carrots feel when they love you so much and you actually grind them to death and feed off of them just so you’d save calories on that bag of chips?

Well, carrots, I do love you back. I even grill so you’d go soft and the grinding wouldn’t hurt that much anymore. See? I care about your feelings…And my teeth.

Carrots vs. Coffee.

They both begin with C !!!

You know what I do after I make tea? I wait for it to go cold then I don’t drink it. Because I don’t like tea. I just give my hands the illusion of preparing a hot liquid to get over the coffee fix. You see, getting over the coffee fix is more in your hands than your oesophagus.

I miss coffee.

And you know what? I bet coffee misses me right back.

I didn’t even say if it were real because it is real and if you say that coffee is not real I will grill you and grind you without even the courtesy of calling you a carrot.

My hand says hi! It’s upset because no one wants to talk to it. Talk to the hand goddamnit! Jeez the size of the ego on ya.


Carrots wouldn’t like you. Carrots are altruistic, they’d love you even when they’re in the grinders. Ooh the carrots. Can’t live with them, can’t live without em, can’t eat them in the presence of bugs bunny.

Oh for the love of coffee people. You gotta love carrots.

Oh for the love of carrots people. You gotta want coffee.

Oh for the love of coffee people. You gotta ban allergy pills.

Oh for the…nah, no one loves allergy pills. They’re the best dope after marijuana though. And carrots. And coffee.


Coffee takes first place.

Then Carrots.

Then 7asheesh.

Then allergy pills.

Nonononononononono. NO. Coffee. Carrots. Apocalypse.

bahh. grah. feshfesh. kaboo


Laura 7abibtek said...

" They both begin with C !!! "
7abeebet alby.

Verily I Am, Forever Me. said...