Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Death Says Hi.

A lot of things can happen overnight, you could have a little talk with death, another little talk with a good-friend-turned-bad and find out that you’ve enjoyed neither but will have to live with both. You may have to accept the fact that you’ll never travel light again; having to carry an allergy emergency kit from now on. As a consequence, now that you know travelling light it not an option, neither is being a tomboy, which means you’re being a chick by the oh so compulsory momma nature. Which might lead you to the fact that there’s no cure for the chiccita syndrome. Having come to the realization that there’s no over-the-counter medication for being a chick except for a dick transplant that will leave you a broke disproportionate tranny and run through your college funds, you realize that not only do you have to choose between college and a car, you also have to choose between college and being a bipolar nutcase 9 times out of 10, or rather, 5 times out of 30, abbreviated into 1 out of 6 times, if you catch my drift. You could realize that doing Maths every minute of every day may not be the answer to life but helps give things the appearance of sense in your troubled little head. Which in turn bums you out because not only have you realized that Maths isn’t really the answer to life just as 42 isn’t the answer the life, the universe and everything, but you’ve also mathematically proved that you have issues. Then you’d have to accept that no matter how much you’re doing Mechanics, it will never do you back. Which is sad because now you have another rejection to handle, and mope over the fact that rejection has branched out in other departments, including the ones you used to run away from it. You might then postulate that being unfuckable is kind of like being invincible, except that it’s in that one area where everybody likes to be conquered every then and again. You’d then grasp that rationalizing things and understanding them are two different spheres that do not touch, which leaves you with the short end of the stick because even though you’re aware that those two last idioms leave you physically and mathematically doomed, they’re just a stupid analogy and in the eyes of the world, which by the way loves saying things it doesn’t mean, you’re metaphorically autistic and worldly-challenged. In retrospect, you’ll discern that your sense of humor is hardly discernable and understand that it’s not understandable most of the time. You might humor yourself that those brief moments of enlightenment are a mere glimpse you might have been offered by the former encounter with the dark lord. You’d continue to humor yourself that you’re humoring yourself because you’re the only one who could possibly understand your humor. Which makes it even less funny and leaves you rather down. You’d then marvel at your own ability to tickle your mood curve and envisage being the answer to borderline syndrome if aliens would just dissect you. Having eased the ego bump, you might start wondering why the aliens haven’t paid  you a visit yet. You’d then wonder whether they already have and embark on a glorious cranial adventure of their amnesia-inducing means, which would inevitably and quite opportunely take your own mind off of mind-boggling mechanics, confusing companions and mother nature who likes to give you a little jump just when you’re stumbling on a loose cord. You’d give a little laugh at the circular logic in the last couple of revelations and instantly frown at how they were probably induced because it’s late and you’re short circuiting. You’d be a little proud of your precocious ability to make anything sound interesting and slightly hope it worked in the academic spectrums as you stare onto the Mechanics assignment that seems to be held down, not by gravity, but rather guilt. You’d then make the conscious decision of thinking about the hot cocoa sitting right next to it and state that no portion of awesomeness as such could ever be held down by guilt. Then you’d look at your watch and realize it’s only been a couple of minutes, which makes you realize that a lot of things can happen in a couple of minutes, let alone overnight. Because a lot of things can happen overnight..

Corrupt Regime, I Believe You’ve Just Been Fingered.


Saturday, 26 November 2011

Like a river to a raindrop I lost a friend, my drunken as a Daniel in a lion’s den. And tonight I know it all has to begin again, so whatever you do, don’t let go.

Of Asian Food, Emotional Gibberish & For Once, Not Coffee.

Life Lesson #290: You are your own worst parent.

Life Lesson#291: As impenetrable as a person may seem, they are that way because they are scared. They’re scared because they’re still kids under that superman cape, and sometimes the only way they feel they can protect themselves when they’re scared is by maintaining distance from their Kryptonite.

Life Lesson#292: You think you know someone, then it happens. And you realise that you were an idiot all along, because there’s no way you can know someone without knowing everything that they’ve been through, and that can never happen unless you are that person. So, there’s absolutely no way in this dimension that you can know anyone through and through. That’s why when shit hits the fan, the only thing you can do has to be taking care of the one person you know, you. No matter what it takes.

Life Lesson#293: Walking away doesn’t get better with practice. It hurts every time, and you never get used to it, and if you do, then congratulations, you’ve been morphed into an asshole by the luxuries life has to offer. So cherish the blunt blade you’ve just shoved into your own trachea, that’s a good thing.

Life Lesson#294: Asian food is lethal. So are cats, juice boxes and Cheetos. Chicken is not meant to be sweet and sour, or else it will run a peculiar version of the Kübler-Ross model in your respiratory tracts.

Life Lesson#295: Everything can be fixed, all can be undone, except for one little thing; when the people you love and trust start to scare you. Fear and Care can’t co-exist. They’re counterparts that handle each other from a distance. You put them in the same room and they’ll be worse than Thanksgiving family re-unions. Once you start being scared of a person you used to resort to, it’s no longer you behind your own steering wheel. Survival instinct jumps out of the backseat and gives you the middle finger leaving Evolution to handle the gags and cuffs and your own Defense mechanism of detachment and putting up walls to handle the ransom calls. And for the life of you, that number cannot possibly be haggled down, no matter how much you may want to compromise, because after all, you’re not really on the receiving end of that call, nor are you on the dialing end either. Not anymore.

Life Lesson#296: Sometimes, the one thing you need to know to get better is that nothing you’ll ever do will make anything better.

Life Lesson#297: There’s a reason some things in life are a process. It’s because there are no cheating codes available on the internet, in libraries or any textbook that is within the reach of man. There is no Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy, and if there is, it’s always out of stock for man. Feeling like an alien won’t cut it on the ordering form, and that soothing voice putting you on the waiting list doesn’t really mean it, they just want you to stop calling because they don’t want their phone lines clogged.

Life Lesson#298: If you’re not capable of hating people, then that’s a good thing. It doesn’t mean you’re an idiot. It means..I don’t know what it means, but it’s a good thing, even though it might not feel that way. Or at least I think it is, I hope it is, because I don’t think there’s a cure for idiocy, and I hate to be a terminal patient.

Life Lesson #299: There’s a time for everything. The fact that people aren’t genetically predisposed to knowing the exact deadline of things means that waiting is either hope in desperate form or a mutant mold of denial. Either way, it doesn’t help, so it shouldn’t exist. Hope is vicious, and denial holds you back. So if you have a choice, by all means; be fucked. Be emotionally, mentally and psychologically fucked, but stand up and take it, all of it, till it’s out of gimmicks. Then move on till that glorious day comes when the heavenly being decides to put your soul off of life support and you’re no longer emotionally, mentally or psychologically propped.

Life Lesson #300: Whether you like it or not, there’s only one way to do things; by not doing other things and expecting the things you want done to grow brains and a system of free choice.


Friday, 25 November 2011

Mesh kefaya ya rab keda ba2a? Mesh kefaya wala eh? Ana ba2ool kefaya.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Tantawy's Speech.

This publish button has been taunting me for almost an hour due to the violent opposition i may get for thinking outside the box, regardless of whether it's grounded in misinformation or a controversial peak at the bigger picture. 
Pertaining to Tantawy's speech, despite the blatant denial of the trespassing of human rights in breaking the protestor's lines that served as a middle finger in the face of everybody who's been following the casualty count on the news, I'm concerned about the third decision in the speech for every reason that the majority is optimistic about. 

If, according to the aforementioned decision, the SCAF has no problem in having a referendum on whether the Army should return to their barracksa or not pending the parliamentary and presidential elections and the people ultimately decide that they step down before a stable regime is in order, wouldn't that leave the country vulnerable to every other uprising political party that has greater power? How come popular demand is focused on ousting one gang when the whole problem lies in the fact that it's only a matter of transition of power from one gang to another? At this point of political strife and broken up lines, isn't a governable gang better in a dystopic context than being left stranded to the completely chaotic wave of powers running through the parties right now? 

If the supreme military council resigns, it will not put an end to the oppression and murder, it's rather an opportunity for more oppression and murder by more namely-power-craving parties that are not only unpredictable and harder to govern, but also wouldn't be as democratic when people eventually get aggravated again and try to oust it. It's true that all political change was triggered by radical action, but isn't it also due that radical action stems from organized planning? Ousting the only remaining form of methodical power would induce change, yes, but a very unpredictable stream of change that is hard to govern by sheer force of demonstrator momentum. Case in point, what's been happening in Sudan for years now. 

This is not a time for impulsively hormonal reactions, people need to step back from their volatile state of gusto and think for a minute. You're uprooting a tree from soil that's not up to par and planting it in experimental soil with no affirmation as to its abilities other than faltering postulations based on wavering hopes and rash decisions that is only propped up by the people's paranoia against any form of higher power that's escalated by their wounded ego and failure of implementing change post-rev. 

Wouldn't it be better if people cool it down and not rush any radical change that would push the country into uncharted territory until they actually get a better grasp of what they want? A successful revolution should be more than just knowing what you don't want out of a certain regime, or else it's going to rid the country of every resource and prop, however faulty they are, for something that's not only statistically impossible and more of a constant juvenile hope towards a Utopia after 30 years of living in the gutters, but also very dangerous, not to mention highly perfectionist and thus not very applicable in real life. 

Wouldn't it be a wiser decision to wait for a more dependable plan of action before eradicating an entire system for false patriotic hopes of a virtual paradise? 

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Nachos Will Always Give You Diarrhea, Yet You’ll Still Eat Them.

I guess I’m back to my late hour nonsensical ranting that nobody reads anyway. I had a good day, but since I’m not physically capable of falling asleep voluntarily anymore, adding up to the fact that I have a lot of work to do but am too tired to catch up on right now; I’m gonna sit here and rant for a while.

Sometimes, it’s a curse to be observant. You tend to come to weirdest realizations that nobody really wants to have as reference, nor cares to for that matter; like the fact that no matter how much something makes sense in theory, it takes a giant leap of faith to believe they can actually happen seeing how one-tracked people’s concern truly is, and how easily it can be re-channeled when the objects of examination are people who are fortunate enough to own boobs. How everything you care to chase in life runs away only to come back when you stop giving a fuck to give you a nice pony kick up your behind and remind you that it’s right there, and it never left. The fact that no matter how highbrow a person can be, they will always fall for the narcissistic dingbat who couldn’t possibly give less of a fuck about them. And who can blame them when they’re playing out to how the genes of their species have functioned for over thousands of millennia for the sole purpose of blind survival? How two of the bestselling books of all time are ‘Why Men Love Bitches’ and its sequel ‘Why Men Marry Bitches’, training people in the sophisticated art of being everything they’re not with the follow through guide of how to get everything they would have never wanted had they not been everything they’re not. How sometimes people who claim to be open-minded would react stupendously caveman-like when the hypothetical situation plays out. And how the fact that you understand the algorithms behind the mystical Rubik's cubes is not a pro, but rather an anomaly that is regarded with skeptical revulsion. How being genderly will make you better than a ninja in terms with blending in with the background at all the wrong times and have you referred to by the opposite pronoun rather than play out to its initially intended anodyne purpose. How you sometimes try so hard to make something work that you end up ruining every hope and running through every potential energy reserve that might have been handy when the right time comes for it to follow its due course. How, ironically enough, you know that had you not tried in the first place; it would have worked, which makes you question if being proactive and initiative is actually the right thing or the equivalent to shoving yourself in a canon for a travelling circus at minimum wage. How people will see only what they want to see, and never what actually happens. How people put their care in all the wrong places and make sure that they have the care that’s aimed their way blasted right into the nearest wall.

But what does it matter? It’s all in vain. The knowledge that’s been carefully harvested and laboriously acquired will fall through the gaps just like it always has over the years, none of it will be put to use, and it will come back to haunt people when insomnia gets the best of them.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

The Guy Code.

  1. You can't move in on another dude's chick, but you can always ruin their date. It's globally recognized as a gray area.

  2. Take the number on a napkin, you'll only need to use it once anyway.

  3. And while you're at it, why call when you can order?

  4. Never, ever, under any circumstances are you allowed to say the L word. It's like I'm pregnant except they can still run after you.

  5. Bros before hoes, that way they can't see anything. Blind spots are another widely agreed upon loophole.

  6. There is absolutely nothing you can't win over with a food offering in the opportune moment.

  7. Your mother, stepmother and daughter are not a 3-in-1 package unless you're Justin Timberlake.

  8. When in doubt, get on the best friend's good side and buy her shoes.

  9. Rain checks are you checking out who you really wanna kiss in the rain.

  10. Don't ever piss off a midget, you don't know where they could bite you.

  11. If she starts following you on twitter, she's expecting a ring. Make sure the only ring she gets is the beep on the block notification.

  12. Never underestimate the wrath of a creature who is not physically capable of jacking off.

  13. Never trust a creature that bleeds for 5 days and doesn't die, unless it's zombie apocalypse and you're looking for a good wing man.

  14. Two numbers should be at your disposal at all times. Her social security number and the number to a good hit man.

  15. Don't feed her unless you wanna keep her. Strays tend to follow you home if you're the one with the cheeseburger every Monday afternoon.

  16. You do not want to introduce her to your friends unless she's boobless. AKA: You do not want to introduce her to your friends.

  17. Anything you say or do can and will be taken against you in the court of blondes.

  18. Always make sure she's wearing heels, in that case; she can out-talk you but she can't outrun you.

  19. Always make sure that two women have a transatlantic gap of no less than 5400 miles, her and your mom.

  20. Make sure her manicure appointments are never cancelled lest a catfight takes place sporadically.

  21. She gets to keep the remote control as long as she keeps up the birth control, otherwise a conflict of interests is inevitable in the unforeseeable future which will require the purchase of more remote controls.

  22. Make sure she refers to you as an asshole periodically, safest incubation period should recur intervallically every 3 weeks.

  23. Nicknames are not allowed and/or tolerated unless you want to lose the medically certified references to your genitals.

  24. The relationship should never trespass the two contextual senses of the word ‘sacked.’

  25. No personals, that includes using her first name and/or treating her like a human being. It puts weird ideas into her head, like sharing habitats and last names.

  26. Never carry her belongings, women tend to develop an urge to return the favour over a period of no less than 9 months.

  27. Make sure she's uncomfortable enough to not eat on dates, that way you'll cut back for almost as long as you need till you cut off. 

  28. Beware the Medusas, otherwise known as the interesting ones who can actually write a brief rather than take yours off. Get out while you can or the next thing you know it she'll be merging DNA's and bank accounts before you can say FUU-

  29. All is fair in love and war, except war is fairer to your progeny, budget and reputation when it comes to fucking the enemy.

  30. Never say anything that can't be taken out of context. Or else you'll be stuck in context till death do you part. 


Debussy, First Arabesque (piano solo, animation version 3)

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Lami’s Law Of Masayeb Resolution.

Life Lesson #286: Bad things come in threes because they're afraid if they show up alone, humans are gonna kick their ass.

Life Lesson #287: Some people call the glass half full perspective, some people call it being delusional, other people call it the conscious choice to survive despite being put under a great amount of stress. I, however, think it’s a matter of simple serial calculations. You see, I’ve always believed that Maths can be applied to anything in life, so Lami’s Law of force resolution has to be applicable in life too. Thing is, if the weight ends up downwards, aka: bottled inside, you’re gonna implode, if it ends up resoluted into a myriad of mini forces in equal and opposite directions, aka: on other people, then you’ve successfully exploded, and to project an equivalent upwards and achieve equilibrium requires a substantial quota of faith in higher powers that is not available in my equation and probably another decade of constructions to produce it, which is rhetorical to the main idea and psychological deadline of the actual problem, so, Lami, you better start thinking about a corollary here, because I really dunno where to stash the magnitude and there aren’t enough fucking givens to postulate the direction here.

Life Lesson #289: French can be ugly too. ‘C’est la vie.’ See?


Tuesday, 8 November 2011

So Whatever You Do, Don’t Let Go.

Oh morning come bursting, the clouds, Amen.
Lift off this blindfold, let me see again
And bring back the water, let your ships roll in.
In my heart she left a hole

The tightrope that I'm walking just sways and ties
The devil as he's talking with those angel's eyes
And I just want to be there when the lightning strikes
And the saints go marching in
And sing slow-ow-ow-ow it down

Through chaos as it swirls
It's us against the world

Like a river to a raindrop, I lost a friend
My drunken as a Daniel in a lion's den
And tonight I know it all has to begin again
So whatever you do, don't let go

And if we could float away
Fly up to the surface and just start again
And lift off before trouble
Just erodes us in the rain (x3)

Sing slow-ow-ow-ow it down
Oh Slow-ow-ow-ow it down

Through chaos as it swirls
It's just us against the world
Through chaos as it swirls
It's us against the world

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Being Human.

I’ve never really come on here to talk about my feelings, and when I absolutely needed to, I always had them coded in an intricate manner or shawled in sarcastic repartees so that none if not a select few of you would get them. It’s not usually the page that scares me, but rather the people staring at it at the other end of this harmless screen, and what they can and will do when they come over that sort of inestimable knowledge. Then, being someone who uses detachment as a main defense mechanism, you stumble over someone who wears their heart on their sleeve, and you remember how you once were like that, how you always called it weak and berated yourself for being an idiot who never seems to learn; patching your way into that poker face that no one seems to see through, not even your closest..adherents, for lack of a better word. And yet, you never fail to catch yourself admiring their strength. It’s one thing to look impenetrably invincible, and a whole other thing to be one. The irony, which seems to be the main theme with life these days, is that it’s never how you think it will turn out. You’re only strong if you haven’t been affected enough to stop wearing your heart on your sleeve after so many afflictions. It shows admirable resilience and a wholeness that would usually be chipped off by time and what it carries in its folds.
It’s been said that art imitates life, and with architecture, if buildings were not built in a way that would react to the wind and sway in accordance, its stiffness would cause its collapse, much like the ashes you flick off the end of a cigarette with the click of a joint.
I’m impressed, and I’m not easily impressed.




Friday, 28 October 2011


You’ve tried wishing and it didn’t work. So:


OH Youuu, Use Your Heart As A Weapooon, And It Huuurts Like Heaaveeeen. <3

Take the fire from my belly and the beat from my heart, still i won't let goooooooo, still i won't let gooooooooo. *sticks tongue out*