Sunday, 13 November 2011

Lami’s Law Of Masayeb Resolution.

Life Lesson #286: Bad things come in threes because they're afraid if they show up alone, humans are gonna kick their ass.

Life Lesson #287: Some people call the glass half full perspective, some people call it being delusional, other people call it the conscious choice to survive despite being put under a great amount of stress. I, however, think it’s a matter of simple serial calculations. You see, I’ve always believed that Maths can be applied to anything in life, so Lami’s Law of force resolution has to be applicable in life too. Thing is, if the weight ends up downwards, aka: bottled inside, you’re gonna implode, if it ends up resoluted into a myriad of mini forces in equal and opposite directions, aka: on other people, then you’ve successfully exploded, and to project an equivalent upwards and achieve equilibrium requires a substantial quota of faith in higher powers that is not available in my equation and probably another decade of constructions to produce it, which is rhetorical to the main idea and psychological deadline of the actual problem, so, Lami, you better start thinking about a corollary here, because I really dunno where to stash the magnitude and there aren’t enough fucking givens to postulate the direction here.

Life Lesson #289: French can be ugly too. ‘C’est la vie.’ See?


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