Thursday, 17 November 2011

Nachos Will Always Give You Diarrhea, Yet You’ll Still Eat Them.

I guess I’m back to my late hour nonsensical ranting that nobody reads anyway. I had a good day, but since I’m not physically capable of falling asleep voluntarily anymore, adding up to the fact that I have a lot of work to do but am too tired to catch up on right now; I’m gonna sit here and rant for a while.

Sometimes, it’s a curse to be observant. You tend to come to weirdest realizations that nobody really wants to have as reference, nor cares to for that matter; like the fact that no matter how much something makes sense in theory, it takes a giant leap of faith to believe they can actually happen seeing how one-tracked people’s concern truly is, and how easily it can be re-channeled when the objects of examination are people who are fortunate enough to own boobs. How everything you care to chase in life runs away only to come back when you stop giving a fuck to give you a nice pony kick up your behind and remind you that it’s right there, and it never left. The fact that no matter how highbrow a person can be, they will always fall for the narcissistic dingbat who couldn’t possibly give less of a fuck about them. And who can blame them when they’re playing out to how the genes of their species have functioned for over thousands of millennia for the sole purpose of blind survival? How two of the bestselling books of all time are ‘Why Men Love Bitches’ and its sequel ‘Why Men Marry Bitches’, training people in the sophisticated art of being everything they’re not with the follow through guide of how to get everything they would have never wanted had they not been everything they’re not. How sometimes people who claim to be open-minded would react stupendously caveman-like when the hypothetical situation plays out. And how the fact that you understand the algorithms behind the mystical Rubik's cubes is not a pro, but rather an anomaly that is regarded with skeptical revulsion. How being genderly will make you better than a ninja in terms with blending in with the background at all the wrong times and have you referred to by the opposite pronoun rather than play out to its initially intended anodyne purpose. How you sometimes try so hard to make something work that you end up ruining every hope and running through every potential energy reserve that might have been handy when the right time comes for it to follow its due course. How, ironically enough, you know that had you not tried in the first place; it would have worked, which makes you question if being proactive and initiative is actually the right thing or the equivalent to shoving yourself in a canon for a travelling circus at minimum wage. How people will see only what they want to see, and never what actually happens. How people put their care in all the wrong places and make sure that they have the care that’s aimed their way blasted right into the nearest wall.

But what does it matter? It’s all in vain. The knowledge that’s been carefully harvested and laboriously acquired will fall through the gaps just like it always has over the years, none of it will be put to use, and it will come back to haunt people when insomnia gets the best of them.

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