Tuesday, 2 August 2011

I Like Headaches.

There’s a lot that i can rant about, had they not been entirely personal i would’ve started a Daily Express right here, right now. And it was about that time that i got a terrible headache, you know, one of those headaches that adds a couple of extra pounds to your head weight and you feel like you have a golf ball in your skull that you have to balance away from the cranium walls by staying horribly..vertical? Yes, that one. So that’s when i realized that having a headache doesn’t leave much space to anything else, including memories, rants and/or autodialogues. So, it dawned upon my agonized self that headaches are good. I like headaches. Not in a masochistic sense, but rather expressing gratitude as to how my windows crashed right before i clicked send. If only headaches came without pain? Oh wait, that would be happiness, of course it doesn’t exist. Ha.


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