Thursday, 12 August 2010

I See Dead People

Life Lesson #70: You know who cares and whosmall_1091714_normal doesn’t give a shit when things get hot, someone gets drunk or you pick on someone a little further than their confidence supply allows. Unless you’re up for a radical re-evaluation of who cares and who doesn’t, keep things amiable and, well, boring.

Life Lesson #71: When they call  back a day later to check whether the transatlantic text had dead people in it or not, they give a shit. When you get an impulse to call them back and tell them every little update there is, even if they have nothing to do with it, since that transatlantic text then, yeh, you care back.

Life Lesson #72: All Heil Block Button.

Life Lesson #73: Lindt dark chocolate + Green Tea. The ultimate Love-Hate relationship after peanut butter and Jell-O.

Life Lesson #74: What inspired this amorous rhyme? Two parts vodka, one part lime.

Life Lesson #75: Abajoora <3

Life Lesson #76: You’re only as strong as the rate with which you bounce back. If you’re on props, yeh, that’s not gonna work.

Life Lesson #77: Chewing gum keeps you from binging.

Life Lesson #78: If you can’t see beyond your own eyeballs, maybe that’s where you oughta be for the rest of your life.

Life Lesson #79: If you can’t handle the newsfeed, set a blog as your homepage.

1 comment:

Laura R. said...

#72 is my fave.
@#74: Huh?