I take it back. I don’t love carrots. Carrots, we need to talk. Sorry carrots, it’s not you…It’s me. It’s not your fault, but it could never have worked out between us. You’re too bland. I’m with pickled lemons now. No, nono, save em tears. You’re like a veggie to me now. We’re better off unsliced hun. You’ll find someone who goes well with your mashed entity. My taste buds prefer to be shocked. You’re too…too…well. Meh. Have you always been that boring? Oh, sorry, slip of tongue. Oh carrots, stop it already. You’ll find someone better than me to crush you. Besides, you’ve always hated pickled lemons, now I’ve given you all the more reason to. See? It’s all a matter of cleansing the soul, well, and finding better excuses…Oh what the hell. Carrots, you’re a wimp. It’s over, get a life. I’m with pickled lemons whether you like it or not and there’s nothing you can do about it. Pickled lemons would bust your ass if you even considered the thought. Ha!
Farewell carrots. I’m with pickled lemons now.
Ah, the clichéd one-liners. Well, I understand you have to save face, but trying to play the bad boy here won’t work you know. You don’t stand a snowman’s chance in hell against my acidic babe. However, if you have the slightest impulse to have your face re-arranged, don’t hesitate to bug us.
Tata darling.
P.S. Carrots and pickled lemons are both imaginary characters. Everyone knows coffee and I are serious.
Yay! A non-depressing/depressed blog post!
Well, sort of.
Hunnie. Ana keda tabee3i :D seriously I'm fine it's all good.
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