Monday, 23 August 2010

24th of Aug – Happy Birthday Daddy :)


I’m so excited about tomorrow. It’s daddy’s adorable 50th birthday! We’re throwing him a surprise party, what’s funny is that two other people were gonna throw him surprise parties at the same time. We found out as we were inviting Uncle that he was gonna come back at our place and Ghada was gonna bake him a cake, and Uncle Ashraf, Marine and Nadine’s dad were gonna take us after tomorrow’s engagement at their place where they’d organized a surprise birthday party for dad. So, after a lot of…compilation :D, we’re gonna have it at our place, and we all got dad this huge espresso maker since he loves coffee so much. I’m gonna get him the butterfly set he’s always wanted sometime this week. All in all, tomorrow’s gonna be biiiiiiiiiig. Daddy’s gonna be 50 :) Which means he’s exactly, if my calculations are correct, 2.9411764705882352941176470588235 the kid I am and has been rocking this planet for 5 decades in a row.

Let me share some facts about dad, some of the little things that make him rock as my hero of all-time:

  1. He Loves Coffee. Every morning he wakes up, puts the whole world on hold and enjoys a mug of coffee, relishing every sip as he makes that gulping sound and breathes out the cigarette smoke as he reads the newspaper.
  2. He is one of the world’s renowned pillow/water fighters ever.
  3. He’s my all-time homeboy and is the one you go to with all the stories and crushes. He actually stayed up with me all night in every single one of last year’s finals even though he had morning appointments at work, and re-arranged his sleeping hours so he’d get sleep through the day. Also once when I almost didn’t make it to a friend’s birthday that was 2 hours away because of dad’s work, he was gonna take me to hang out at their place and give them the birthday gift some other time that week. The friend’s place was two hours away too.
  4. 2 am walks after a bad day around the block and car rides when I couldn’t sleep because of exam anxiety.
  5. Beethoven music that he sleeps to, coming through the walls to my bedroom.
  6. Mickey Magazines that he loves falling asleep to.
  7. The toe pulling and ice-cube slipping inside clothes, and many more methods he uses to wake me up in the morning sometimes.
  8. The way he asks me “how do I look?” with a dashing lateral squint, busting a pose when we’re getting dressed up for something.
  9. The wink with the coded messages and inside jokes.
  10. The 5-hour-long debates about things as trivial as Mozart’s eligibility as a composer, which I always disagree to, or those times when we’re trying to fix something either of us did to the laptop or PC, which always ends up with us restoring them a couple of times and calling up someone the next morning.
  11. The names he has for every something/someone that ever exists. I remember he called one of my crushes 2ol2asa because of the queer shape of his head – he then claimed himself way hotter and the shape of his head much more assimilating to man than veggie –  calls me To7fossa for no apparent reason, called one of our former pet birds ‘Potocotos’ and calls his car Fastooka because..well I have no idea what that means.
  12. How he actually liked Lil Wayne, you shoulda seen him bobbing his head.
  13. How he has a victory dance, explained in a former blog post.

Well, this list could go on forever, so I’ll just cut it short at an odd number just as I like it.

I claim my dad the coolest dad in the whole world. Die in envy. Ha. Ha. Ha.

1 comment:

Laura R. said...

Tell him "Happy Birthday" from me!