I’m considering filing a petition to add “Blogger’s block” to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary or summat. For someone who used to make a scroll-invoking, which is my digital version of the expression ‘page-turning’, blog post out of sipping coffee, it’s quite odd that I’ve been stumbling over the last three posts because I keep deleting them or keeping them in my over flowing drafts folder because they’re too personal.
8 AMs are suckers. Coffees are life-savers and fish suck. The phonetic combination of fish and suck is fuck…or sish. 6 AMs are buggers and Keane are relaxing. Chocolates run out though, so do people. Except that the latter run out screaming.
“If only I don’t bend and break, I’ll meet you on the other side, I’ll meet you in the light…If only I don’t suffocate, I’ll meet you in the morning when you wake”.
They should have said ‘if’ you wake. But then again there’s no other side, no light, and no one’s meeting anybody anywhere now is there? That’s why 8 AMs suck you know. It’s also why chocolates run out. Quietly.
“I don’t know you and I don’t want to, till the moment that your eyes open and you know”.
But your eyes won’t open will they?
No they won’t.
Have you over wondered how many coffees it takes to kill you? That would be delightful wouldn’t it? A good way to go, shot up into space with your eyes open. Of course the shot up into space part will be because you’ll be too euphoric to sit still for 5 minutes in a row. Still though, there will be those imaginary eyelids substituting for your carnal ones. Your eyes will be open, but you won’t see anything. Your eyes will be open though, wouldn’t they? Isn’t that what it’s all about?
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