Life Lesson #250: Honest is bad. If you tell people how things are, don’t be surprised if they step in and snatch control. So by all means lie and equivocate, that’s the only way things won’t get out of control. Look at it this way, on cyber space it’s called limited profiling. So grow up already. Nobody likes an idiot.
Life Lesson #251: HHGG are a religion in disguise; which is, if you come to think of it, the only way a religion should be. One that works. And well, if it makes you a better person, then who gives a fuck?
Life Lesson #252: If enough people recommend it, there has to be some truth to it, and if it’s not exactly truth, then it has to have some pleasure in it. There’s a reason why marketing works best under the radar. It’s a documented fact that the best way to market a product is through starting its distribution among babble mouths. It’s the second best right after reverse psychology, and they already have that up their sleeves since the most enjoyable luxuries of life tend to kill you over a variable period of time.
Life Lesson #253: There’s no such thing as nice people. Everything that people do, they do it because it makes them feel better in one sick way or another, hence eliminating the altruism factor, which is the whole point to being ‘nice’. Nice is a myth, right next to unicorns, big foots and phoenixes. Some people just hide it better than others, and most of the time you’re too desperate to see it.
Life Lesson #254: How do you take back something you said? You don’t. You play it cool and let it simmer. Then the person’s self-esteem will do a somersault and get back right into the slot that you wanted them to be, in a similar manner to how human beings usually handle scabs. You pick on it, it scars, you let it be, your skin swallows it and it’ll be like it never happened. Nobody cares anyway, who’d wanna waste space on their short-term memory patch on other people? Ha. Naw.
Life Lesson #255: I wonder who was the first person who thought of depilation. I wonder what the hell were they thinking. I bet an arm and a leg it was a dude.
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