Life Lesson #190: I need to not pick up calls more often. I should stop being such a Sidney and start being a Tony for a change. Everybody's being a Cassy anyway. Skins much?
Life Lesson #191: Trying to fall back asleep is just like trying to get coffee out of a banana. It just doesn’t work that way. Not even THAT way.
Life Lesson #192: It was right about the time that I googled 'how to archive my tweets' that I decided I should've gone on that camp last summer. However, it wasn’t until I chose not to click 'don't track my own page views' on blogger because i’m pretty sure 89% of it is my doing that i realized something’s seriously off. Then I had coffee and it wasn’t that big of a deal anymore.
Life Lesson #193: Come to think of it, i don’t think i would have minded the fact that everybody’s an asshole if i was one myself.
Life Lesson #194: What’s the use of studying when we can all shift our genesis to arachno- and inherit all the info? Or is it because we’d have so much time on our hands that we wouldn’t know how to deal with it and wish we had the lifespan of that little bugger along with the genes as well? Doesn’t it follow that work is there for entertainment? What kind of sick cosmic joke is that? Not funny.
Life Lesson #195: ‘Every lame movie is exponentially funner when you have more important crap you're supposed to be working on. Same goes for the royal wedding. Ana 7assess belli enti feeh.’ -Dad.
Life Lesson #196: Face your fears; operate the espresso maker.
Life Lesson #197: It was right about the scene of the dude vacuuming his dad’s cremated remains off the floor in that retarded after-hour movie that i decided i wanted to get buried. There goes my cremation prospects.
Life Lesson #198: I’m an idiot. And yes, that’s one of those genes that procreate yet don’t acquire.
Life Lesson #199: Kneecap bruises are the worst. Even worse than the memory of slipping on Beano's wet floor when you’re pretty sure everybody saw your butt crack.
Life Lesson #200: ‘Randy, why are guys creeped out by random i love yous?’ - ‘It's just like 'I'm pregnant' except that they can still run after you.’
I get really excited when I see three blog posts of yours in the Dashboard. Even though I don't necessarily understand you sometimes. :)
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