Sunday, 3 April 2011

After After Hours High.

There’s nothing more to say. There’s absolutely nothing more to say. I’ve had all the assurance I want and now everything is crystal clear about everything there is and I know exactly what to do about everything. All I need to do know is muster up enough of what’s left of the infamous balls that got me the aforementioned assurances to actually follow through with what should be done. There’s no such thing is waiting for your gear to lock in, really. I’ve tried that, it doesn’t jumpstart, you gotta warm it up. And there’s absolutely nothing you can do about work except doing it. Most of you would say that’s why it doesn’t work most of the time. But as vague as this is, it’s crystal clear. I just gotta show myself that I can make this work as much as I can ruin it, so that when I do want to ruin it again it’s as fun and guilt-free as a bowl of ice cream on a hot day. Adrenaline rush is as fun as it is scarce, otherwise it’s just boring. It’s so easy to let everything just fall apart and sit back and watch it crumble, and dare I say a wee bit fun too. But at some point you gotta see that you don’t deserve ruining everything you’ve ever worked for your whole entire life just because you got a little more bugs on the windshield than your wipers can handle, right? you just gotta get out there and scrub em out old school with a rag and get on with it. It’s sanaweyya boot camp for a couple of months then I can get back to my whole 'fucking-stuff-up-for-fun’. Yep. That sounds about right.


Rania Youssef said...

There’s absolutely nothing you can do about work except doing it...I like this quote :) i'm copying...any copyrights ?

Verily I Am, Forever Me. said...

my head.