Monday, 21 March 2011

Of Moms And Cookies.

I don’t deserve my family, I really don’t. They’re too good to be true. I didn’t get anything for my mom on mother’s day. I’d set the alarm clock to 9 am so I can spend the day with her and maybe we could go out on one of those mall marathons she loves so much, but I overslept. When I asked her she said that she thought I was too tired so she let me sleep. She didn’t think that mom’s day was worth interrupting my sleep. She even cancelled class so I’d sleep since my sleeping pattern has been messed up for a couple of months, can you believe that? She spent the whole day getting her mom friends gifts for mother’s day. She even got one for her receptionist so she wouldn’t feel left out when she really didn’t have to. She got my grandma comfortable slip-in shoes since her knee isn’t the same anymore. God I feel like a sack of shit for not getting her anything. Grandma doesn’t quite get the theory of mom’s day, she got me cookies because she thinks that mother’s day is when mothers get gifts for their daughters and granddaughters. I hate to burst her bubble and to tell you the truth, you can’t quite say no to chocolate-caramel cookies. How can somebody love someone so unconditionally? If I was my own mom and I was getting this kind of treatment with not a tinge of appreciation I would’ve flipped the bird on everybody and took off shoe-shopping with the month’s allowance. I mean, come on, I compliment my Grandma’s scarf and I end up debating her into not giving it to me for the next 15 minutes. Do these people still exist?
