Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Get Lost And Then Get Found.

There’s a certain oddness to how somebody would react to disappointment. What’s even more odd is how that disappointment does all the work for you. That little piece of news makes what you’ve been working at the entire year just..happen. It makes your efforts a joke, and you still thank it. Then you file a petition to make ‘eye suitcases’ a part of the Merriam-Webster dictionary.

I’ve got a busy week ahead, and I’ve developed a certain disinclination towards Msn Messenger. Msn is an evil place. IM’ing is plain evil. It makes all the little virtual entities in your head just a little more tangible and interactive enough to drive you to a full-blown psychosis. Fuck em. Fuck em. FUCK EM.


1 comment:

Laura R. said...

Di commentaya bet2olek ebtasemi


3ashan te-make-your-day.. w mesh lazem te-publisheeha.. keep it our little secret. ;)
