Monday, 28 March 2011

I Slept.

I fell asleep, for sometime. And it felt nice for a change. I slept for a good 10 hours and my neck is aching to complement one of those headaches you get when you sleep too much and it feels like your brain is cramping up your forehead but I’m relishing the groggy pain. I didn’t dream, and thank god I didn’t. I think enough when I’m awake; I don’t wanna think when I’m asleep too. Brain activity my ass, I wanna die for a while.


Love is in the air and everybody’s having that same love high I once had before I realized - Tom & Jerry style - that I’m in the middle of the air 8 storeys high from the ground and then crashed headfirst into it. It’s making me sick, to be honest. I constantly feel the need to hug a pillow and turn into the outline of a comma in the bed sheets.

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