Friday, 25 March 2011

Of Assholes And..Well..Assholes.

‘Have you ever found yourself surrounded by too many friends and loving family members? Have you ever wished you could just make them all go away? Sure, we all have. Unfortunately, there isn't a quick and easy way to make this happen... until now! Presenting the complete guide on how to be a complete and total asshole.

So, an asshole is a contemptible person. But isn't he/she so much more?

Isn't it true that there is a whole lifestyle behind assholity?

Most of you might think that and it's most likely true, because if an asshole was just any contemptible person, wouldn't that make every single member of the entire population of the world an asshole?

Wouldn't that make it really, really easy to become one?

Wouldn't that take away the entire craftsmanship of becoming a true, fine young asshole?

I think to most sensible people, the answer would be "Yes".’

1 comment:

Suzy Joseph said...

hehehe. nice try.