Monday, 27 September 2010

Show Me All The Things I Shouldn’t Know.

Why are all Metallica songs sung in “he”? Or for ‘him’?

Despite the fact that I think they’re pretty emo to be macho with no apparent reason for their ‘suffering’ and ‘pain’ and ‘whipping’ and ‘torture’ that caused ‘him’ to lose the ‘will to live’ and made him ‘learn their rules’ or whatever. Why he? The all macho Metallica’s lead singer could not possibly by gay, or can he? According to a good friend, “james hetfeild slept with hookers more than abo treeka ra2as nas”. But then again, why does he keep singing in he? He can’t have sensibly hated all the hookers can he? There are two logical conclusions as to why. A) He’s a narcissistic chauvinist prick. B) He’s gay. According to the amount of senseless unreasonable whining in their songs, alternated by self-advertising of how much of a hero he is that all people can come to and he’ll save them, I’d say he’s a narcissistic chauvinist gay prick, wouldn’t you say? Find me ONE Metallica song with a she in it. ONE. I really WANT to believe they’re not, because Metallica being gay redefines everything I ever held true in this universe. No. In this Milky way. What next? Cookies aren’t pastry? ONE. I implore you.

How come nobody else noticed?

I’ve been dreaming. It’s quite odd. I never dream. I’ve been dreaming for three nights in a row now. I didn’t want to jinx it, but I genuinely stopped believing in all things supernatural, jinxes included. Dreaming though? It’s so beautiful. I never thought I’d live to see the day I’d say something as sappy, but it’s true. They’re so fucking beautiful. Dreams and nightmares alike, just that psychedelic brain activity that’s activated the moment your conscious thought stops being the boss around. When the leash on that entity inside your head slips and it gets to show you what you never let yourself see, for fear of running through your adrenaline and endorphin storages all year round. The stuff you keep stashed out of sight in case they clash with your sanity, because you know they hold opposite charges. Stuff. It shows you stuff. It wasn’t the coffee that took it away. A good friend once told me that the reason why I never have dreams is because my caffeine intake interrupts my REM cycle. I’m still on coffee, same as ever. In fact, yesterday my caffeine intake was shot up by three coffees and an espresso because I had a lot of work that day. Thing is, I just started dreaming all of a sudden. That entity decided it had something to show me. And it was so beautiful, even though I don’t know what it is most of the time, but it feels so good. Not all the time though, but I don’t care. They’re so beautiful. I don’t want to go to having time gaps bitten out of my consciousness that I define as sleep. Those little bites of death. I want to have those images. Those People. That uncharted territory. I want to see the things I wasn’t allowed to see, by whoever decided I shouldn’t. I love that my head doesn’t know it’s happening. I don’t want to change them so they’re more pleasant, because they’re not. I want to see them. All of them. Every night.



Laura R. said...

Oh my gosh I love the part about the dreams. <3

Suzy Joseph said...

Dream on, maybe you'd like to read the interpretation of dreams by freud at some point :)

Suzy Joseph said...

Dream on :) maybe u'd like to read the interpretation of dreams by freud at some point.

Aya Zain said...

Metallica, Unforgiven II
"Come lay beside me, this won't hurt I swear. She loves me not, she loves me still, but she'll never love again. She lay beside me, but she'll be there when I'm gone. Black heart scarring darker still, yet she'll be there when I'm going. Yes, she'll be there when I' gone. Dead sure she'll be there!"

Metallica, Turn the Page
"You smoke the day's last cigarette, remembering what she said"

Metallica, Sweet Amber
"She roll me over til I'm sick. She deals in habits, deals in pain. I run away, but I'm back again. Ooh then she holds my hand, and I lie to get a smile. And she squeezes tighter, I still lie to get a smile. She holds the pen that spells the end, she traces me and draw me in".

and as to why he sings songs of 'pain' and 'whipping' and 'torture' - some of his songs actually do refer to war, believe it or not, while other songs (such as Unforgiven I & II, which i believe you were referring to) have stories behind them.

not all songs have to be love songs in order to be great ones :)