Saturday, 21 April 2012

Lle ume quel.

So as I was sitting her possibly ruining what remains of my life by wasting precious time watching online sitcoms, I realized a lot of things, like for instance, people would have so much more time to do something productive if they didn’t have to work, or perhaps how it took me four years and a half to realize that the people I was hanging out with were absolute pieces of shit, or how they showed the entire series of Lord Of The Rings about 5 times in the past two months that I could probably recite them better than my assigned Arabic texts (I really wanna speak Elvish by the way I think it’s totally cool.)

I realized that I miss my dad’s Tom Thumb bedtime stories and that there was really no reason to stop them at all, except maybe the fact that I stopped participating in the public’s march to their beds when night falls by the time I turned 10. Here I am, not sleeping for 6 days and I sleep halfway through one of my dad's tom thumb bedtime stories. Now that's what I call magic.

I realized that there’s a hotdog line called British Bangers, even though there’s everything wrong with that, I’d probably lose count before I hit the word limit for a blogpost. I realized that I attract condescending Wonkas, that I am one and I’ve been suppressing it for too long. Hell, if I let it loose I’d probably beat Louis C.K. at his cynical diarrhea of verbiage with Busta Rhymes’ ability to pack a book in 30 seconds and beat the Penn & Teller Bullshit Show at smashing the common beliefs of thousands, but then again that would make me realize how much stupidity I’m surrounded by in painful HD more than I already do and I’d probably kill myself before I turn 27.

I’m rambling, and I got class.