Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Of Red Bull, Cake & History.

Life Lesson #316: When you think about it, and I mean really think about it, you’ll find that the real problem lies in the fact that cyanide smells like almonds.

Life Lesson #317: Whatever you do and no matter how hard you try, in two out of three contexts on average, you’ll still be an asshole.

Life Lesson #318: More has been lost than gained on the account of right and wrong, but then again nothing has been lost or gained on the account of not giving a fuck. Which is better? Trying to find out would require a million casualties. Life, well played.

Life Lesson #319: It is always folly to invest without a dependable profit prospectus. And no matter what books say, you will always learn that after going completely bankrupt.

Life Lesson #320: 'Can you build a spaceship out of history?' - 'No.' - 'Then history is bullshit too.'

Life Lesson #321: If AIDS was god's way of punishing homosexuals, then why does god love lesbians so much? That's right, get your head out of your ass.

Life Lesson #322: ‘And the strangest thing was waiting for that bell to ring, it was the strangest start.’

Life Lesson #323: The only consolation is finding an honest answer to the one question: “Was it really worth it?” And the bad news is that there’s no answer to that question that’s not up for debate. Conclusion? The idea of consolation is the only consolation you’ll ever get.

Life Lesson #324: ‘Humans have a knack for choosing precisely the things that are worst for them.’ – Albus Dumbledore.

Life Lesson #325: There comes a time in a man’s life when the only emotional recovery he finds within reach is his Harry Potter and Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy book collection.

Life Lesson #326: ‘One day, humanity will conquer disease, and after that we’ll conquer aging, and after that we’ll slough off our mortal coils. No longer tied to location, we’ll spread out through the cosmos at near light speed. We’ll continue experimenting and theorizing until we’ve determined the exact limits of knowledge. At which point, nothing will remain to explore. Discovery will end, love will be dispassionate. Hope will be meaningless, art will have no purpose. Religion will have no transcendence. Having conquered our deaths, but not the universe’s, we will enter a  collective hyper-ennui and begin the slow somnolent march back toward oblivion. The only scintilla of meaning in the last waltz of Torpor will be the stillborn wish to have lived and died back when we were made of warm flesh and the gentle lapse of sunlight in the summer dusk was enough for our happiness. So in the grand scheme of things, what’s really the point of nihilism if you can’t use it to buy stuff?’

Life Lesson #327: The human psyche works in mysterious ways. Who would have thought it’s plausible that the sight of cake now sends me into a fit of tears?

Life Lesson #328: Bottled messages are the reason closure isn’t so hip anymore. They’re often lost in the tide. If it makes you feel better, think of all the radio signals in outer space that were never picked up. Someone bothered to send them so much that his efforts fired them beyond the coverage of man.

Life Lesson #329: Too much love can be almost as destructive as no love at all, if not more profoundly scarring too. The reason everyone is trying so hard not to give a shit is that loss is not something you get used to. Peace, as opposed to War, was never custom-crafted for the idealistic, but then again it has never really killed anyone. The irony lies in the fact that all wars started because someone loved a person or an idea too much, and peace was about two people deciding that not giving a fuck is probably best for all parties involved.

Life Lesson #330: Red Bull gives you wings, that’s why you crash so hard.

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