Thursday, 3 February 2011

Shove A Gerbil In Your Ass Through A Tube.

Everybody’s talking about it. That’s all they talk about, everyday, same shit. I was thinking of posting my curfew diary  but then again it’s too personal and has me panicking all over the place in large dosses that are bound to send my social life into a flaming asteroid that everybody’s pathetic enough to wish upon.

So let’s talk about Gerbils. Or Coco Pops.

Bytar2a3o. Pop pop pop.

“Shove a gerbil in your ass through a tube, shove a gerbil in your ass through a tube, shove a gerbil in your ass through a tube. Ew ew ew ewwwwwwww.”


Anonymous said...

I recommend you to take care of the minutes: for hours will take care of themselves.

Verily I Am, Forever Me. said...

And i recommend you to shove a sherbil in your ass and keep it there.