After I watched True Detective, I was under the impression that Matthew Mcconaughey was a real person with some self-honed vision that he picked up along the way and started to show up in his acting, turning him from your average Ken doll to a rain man in the making. I came to idolize him on the side after his career peaked, as a shag-worthy opponent. Fooled by the script like a pleb, we all fall for it sometimes. Then I heard he gave a graduation speech in Houston university and I went on a YouTube pillage for every speech he ever gave, hoping to catch a glimpse of whatever truth this man accumulated along the way, and here I modify my conclusion: He is a master bullshitter.
I don't respect him any less for it, he really had me going. Not a lot of people caught that Pokemon. Real tip of the hat for him, but I was still disappointed. To elaborate on what I mean by all that, that's a bit of a long story; completely unrelated but slightly parallel in a very abstract context. Meaning: It's a woman thing you wouldn't really get it. I kid, I kid.
Over the years, I've come to see that people have different realities, because they have different life experiences and that leads them to different truths. Pit them against each other and one might sound truer than the other, but in the bigger scale of things they're just as true, because truth is relative. It wouldn't make much sense to you in writing if you haven't reached that point of your life, and although I can make the argument, that's one bite out of life's cookie that I wouldn't give away cheap. Work for it, or take it and forget it a couple of days later, what do I care?
My point is, not a lot of people work for their own truths, and settle on a bunch of half-assed delusions that they struggle to make themselves believe, let alone sell to whichever members of their community that they picked out and befriended to maintain suspended disbelief. It's sad to see them, it's sad to see so many of them, but that's just how it is. How it should be, is different. Instead of a bunch of delusional people who don't believe their own lies, you'd get a bunch of people who really believe in their own lies, because their lives have made them true. That's where all the different realities come in, the ones that people fight for in job interviews, fight over during family dinners, and fight to go to bed every night.
It doesn't matter how much you don't see eye-to-eye with them, because their entire lives have come together to make them arrive at that truth, just as your entire life came together to make you arrive at another truth that completely annuls theirs. That's what a lot of people don't get about life, and living in general. There are no truths. There are many truths. Both sentences are true. Isn't it a marvelous planet we're stuck on?
But I digress. Why I was drawn to Matthew Mcconaughey after watching True Detective was a shootout of this argument; I thought he was one of those people who had some kind of vision. They're really hard to find these days, even harder to find in the realms of men, so you can imagine why I would be led to believe the fighting pits of Hollywood may have attracted a couple of lost lunatics that saw blue trees instead of green. They exist by the way, one of them is Shekhar Kapur, check out his Ted Talk. Great visionary. Others exist in more obscure realms of scientific journals, somewhere on the outskirts of politics, and most in various detention camps and loony bins around the world. Not all of them are great conversationalist, but they're saying something, one thing, throughout their life's work. They have this one truth that they're trying really hard to communicate to the world, and unfailingly they all come back to the cave to people who can't believe they're more than their own shadows.
I bounced back pretty quick though, for although Matthew Mcconaughey didn't turn out to have any great vision, he remains damn easy on the eyes. And to start my day off on the right side of the bed, I'm watching Magic Mike over my morning coffee. As I'm sure so many of you would rationalize it to themselves, I'm a straight girl, and I'm telling you, I'm only watching this for the stripping. And I ain't ashamed, get over yourselves.
I don't respect him any less for it, he really had me going. Not a lot of people caught that Pokemon. Real tip of the hat for him, but I was still disappointed. To elaborate on what I mean by all that, that's a bit of a long story; completely unrelated but slightly parallel in a very abstract context. Meaning: It's a woman thing you wouldn't really get it. I kid, I kid.
Over the years, I've come to see that people have different realities, because they have different life experiences and that leads them to different truths. Pit them against each other and one might sound truer than the other, but in the bigger scale of things they're just as true, because truth is relative. It wouldn't make much sense to you in writing if you haven't reached that point of your life, and although I can make the argument, that's one bite out of life's cookie that I wouldn't give away cheap. Work for it, or take it and forget it a couple of days later, what do I care?
Even Hooch had a vision.
My point is, not a lot of people work for their own truths, and settle on a bunch of half-assed delusions that they struggle to make themselves believe, let alone sell to whichever members of their community that they picked out and befriended to maintain suspended disbelief. It's sad to see them, it's sad to see so many of them, but that's just how it is. How it should be, is different. Instead of a bunch of delusional people who don't believe their own lies, you'd get a bunch of people who really believe in their own lies, because their lives have made them true. That's where all the different realities come in, the ones that people fight for in job interviews, fight over during family dinners, and fight to go to bed every night.
It doesn't matter how much you don't see eye-to-eye with them, because their entire lives have come together to make them arrive at that truth, just as your entire life came together to make you arrive at another truth that completely annuls theirs. That's what a lot of people don't get about life, and living in general. There are no truths. There are many truths. Both sentences are true. Isn't it a marvelous planet we're stuck on?
But I digress. Why I was drawn to Matthew Mcconaughey after watching True Detective was a shootout of this argument; I thought he was one of those people who had some kind of vision. They're really hard to find these days, even harder to find in the realms of men, so you can imagine why I would be led to believe the fighting pits of Hollywood may have attracted a couple of lost lunatics that saw blue trees instead of green. They exist by the way, one of them is Shekhar Kapur, check out his Ted Talk. Great visionary. Others exist in more obscure realms of scientific journals, somewhere on the outskirts of politics, and most in various detention camps and loony bins around the world. Not all of them are great conversationalist, but they're saying something, one thing, throughout their life's work. They have this one truth that they're trying really hard to communicate to the world, and unfailingly they all come back to the cave to people who can't believe they're more than their own shadows.
I bounced back pretty quick though, for although Matthew Mcconaughey didn't turn out to have any great vision, he remains damn easy on the eyes. And to start my day off on the right side of the bed, I'm watching Magic Mike over my morning coffee. As I'm sure so many of you would rationalize it to themselves, I'm a straight girl, and I'm telling you, I'm only watching this for the stripping. And I ain't ashamed, get over yourselves.
Guess I'm back to blogging frequently again. Thanks for unclogging that toilet, Matthew.
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