You know what the problem is? I'll tell you what the problem is, it's life as a concept, treating life like an absolute block of something that doesn't make sense when taken apart, when all you're supposed to do if you wanna give life meaning is break it down and tend to the morsels. Treating life like a block is what makes people act out of character, because they’re so sure that block is supposed to fit somewhere, or take shape, but they have no idea where it’s supposed to fit, how it’s supposed to look like or why it’s supposed to look like that. A lot of ‘supposed’ presets that somehow precipitated in people’s subconscious as the ultimate goal. I don’t know, is that what it’s really all about? All what we’re going through, you take a flaming ball of uncontrolled circumstances set in motion by a random state of pulsated chaos and somehow make it into a shape whose form, origin and reason are unknown? That’s a little too complicated for a couple of naked schmucks who were stuck in a garden with a morbid apple tree, wouldn’t you say? And isn’t that what eventually triggers the state of frantic achievement that transforms people from many single human beings to an unthinking, unfeeling, unsatisfied stampede? Aren’t those who think they know what they’re doing to get there the most delusional of all? I think it’s simpler than that. I think we’re put here on this weirdass planet to live in knick knacks. I think the planet itself having an expiry date is a cheat code. I think the fact that days are similar means that nothing is moving forward or backwards but a groundhog day syndrome. They’re not supposed to be connected, leading up from anything or to anything, they’re just there and you’re supposed to enjoy them while you can because they’re gonna run out and thank god they will.
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