I had a good day today. Nothing too special about it really, having a good day was never about the fireworks. I got up early for no reason, not that early tho. Just early considering the fact that it was 7 or 8 hours into actually having a good night’s sleep for the first time in approximately three days. I talked to a friend of mine about something that’s been bugging me for a couple of days and she recommended, or rather prescribed, that I buy “Why men love bitches”. Even tho it had nothing to do with men, I believe I need that book more than my calculus and chemistry books put together. I decided that I’m taking the day for myself, so I called Arabic class off. Yes I actually did that. I want time off then screw it all. I went on my usual morning walk, a habit that I grew into when the curfew started to test my sanity – I have to say that the bouts of sporadic dancing have added to my limited supply of funky moves. The weather was pretty bad tho, so there was the issue of getting past my hypochondriac of a mother, workaholic of a father and into the sandstorm. Thanks to the fact that I’m as stubborn as a mule with a need for attitude adjustment, I got my way. I went on a walk, didn’t get lost as much as I usually did, or harassed – at one point I wanted to blog about the lack of libido that seems to have hit in post-revolution era but then again you don’t wanna point it out if you want it to stay, eh?
I may come off snobby but I absolutely love where I live. There’s a place to jog, there’s a little coffee shop opening up close by and I have two bookstores within a kilometre’s radius. If you go out for a walk early enough you’ll be joined by people walking their dogs or people in suits jumping in and out of cars with their suitcases and sometimes coffees. Nobody gives a fuck what you’re doing as long as you’re out of their way, which is more than a person could ask for if you’re used to the eastern cast.
Anywho, I got there, found three books that I liked and two that I intended to Google. I wanted to get a friend of mine a book that he wanted for his birthday, but apparently it was banned by censorship and only available in French, and even that was out of stock. It’s outrageous that they’d ban a book for its plot rather than content. Fuck the regulations, the government is not my mom. Hell, even my mom doesn’t do that. I either have awesome parents or the government is fucked. Or both. It’s a Paulo Coelho book for god’s sake, not hardcore porn! There was the option of ordering or getting it online or abroad but the dudette had suggested that I try the dungeons and alleys of Shorouk bookstore – which I found impressive as she went out of her way as to recommend a rival bookstore. Sweet lady, she had me regress to my brit accent for funsies. Oh the guilty pleasure. She didn’t notice, haha. A couple of summers ago I was an ID card away from getting a summer job there. I’m totally going for it this summer, I’m also totally messing with people’s head. I could be Scottish with a customer and Indian with the next. Mwahahaha. I’m evil. I gotta work on the latter tho. I wonder if they have any policies about hitting on customers..hmm.

I later called the friend to tell him about the book dilemma. I’d already told him that I got it so he wouldn’t have a choice so the whole thing with me explaining the strategy and all was a tad embarrassing. He was sleeping so I doubt he’ll remember anything about the phone call. God I’m evil. Spent the evening teaching mom how to handle my phone and drinking really sucky tea because I wanted to see if the headache would go away if I didn’t drink coffee. It eventually did but I’m sleepy as hell. Right now I’ve got Maths to work on and a headache to ignore. Toodles cyber patch.