Saturday, 5 June 2010

I’m weird like that

  1. I deleted my favourites list on msn. The one who always talks has always talked and will always talk to anyone else, that being me or not. The one who never says hi stopped saying anything else too. The one who never talks should never have been put there in the first place. Et voila! However, one day later, I put it back, because conventional or not, they’re my favourites.
  2. I felt suicidal today, so I went for juice hoping for allergy to kick in once and for all, when that didn’t work, I went to get water with the lights out.
  3. In my case, when it comes to going for a can of coke vs. juice, coke is actually the healthy choice for me.
  4. Even a cartoon with guns/car accidents could actually get me to break down. Personal experiences. I could never talk my way around it, and managed to unintentionally freak out a friend today when she recommended 45-Shinedown and another friend a month earlier for posting an imageshack still photo.
  5. I never lie when people ask I’m ok, yet people never notice when I’m not. You’d think a yes or no question couldn’t get more obvious.
  6. I’m so poker-faced I think I could get a fortune if I tried using it gambling.
  7. I wash my hands up to 12 times a day, my face up to 5 times a day, shower almost twice a day and still it doesn’t feel enough. Weird thing is, I never thought of it as weird until they portrayed it in an episode as an OCD trait in “Monk” sitcom.
  8. My ego is three times bigger than my head, and my head is big.
  9. Almost everything I own is one shade or another of blue. My laptop, cell phone, glasses, toothpaste, clothes, pens, slippers and pyjamas included.
  10. I run through headphones more than I run through socks. This month alone, I managed to wreck two, one of which was a pro LG pair. Right now you’re thinking about socks, aren’t you?
  11. 500 ml of beer does not get me drunk. Yup, too much coffee in my blood system, or should I say too much blood in my coffee system?
  12. I’m always on the hugged side of any hug.
  13. I trained 2 hours a day for as long as I remember except for the last 5 months, professionally as a kid in the gymnastics class, then on my own after that. They never sounded good enough, until I learned that Taylor Lautner with all his bulk actually trains an hour and a half a day. Prowlers or not, streets here I come.
  14. I block more than I appear offline, and most of the time I tell people when I block them, just for the fun of it ^^ “You’ve been blocked” “Eeeeeeeeeek!”
  15. When friends describe me on Facebook applications or quizzes, of all the adjectives, “Crazy” is the one they’ve all used in common. That says something now doesn’t it?
  16. I mentioned it in a previous post, but I quote: “Out of all the genres, it is actually Rap that soothes me”.
  17. To venture all the way to mama’s brit relative’s grand piano every once in a while, I have to go by the cat, and I handle the allergy to play it. That’s how much I love piano.
  18. I have short-term memory loss. People don’t believe it, then start to get the hang of it when I forget what they were talking about the next day, but still get mad at me for it. I can’t help it people!
  19. I don’t dream.
  20. Last but not least, if you ask me about your haircut and it sucks, I’m probably going to be the one breaking the news to you.

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Laura 7abibtek said...

2. Hun, you're worrying me.
11. I thought you once got drunk on one sip.
12. Oz3a effect.
15. Whacked.
16. Whacked.
17. Unwhacked.
18. Whacked.
19. Whacked.
20. You know that nickname I wanted to give you? Yeah.

Verily I Am, Forever Me. said...

2. I'm still around aren't I? Stop worrying.
11. That's another story. *fidgets*
12. That just cracked me up ba2a. ^^
20. ??

Laura 7abibtek said...

Mira. (Don't publish this law sama7ty)