Saturday, 26 June 2010

Danny Elfmann

I just resisted the urge to write an OCP blog post about Danny Elfmann, who is my synonyms to ingenuity and one of the things that make life good in my definition. You dudes explore, moving on.

Drinking coffee, tuned in to Victor’s piano solo and checking out the downturned face of the canned US military chief headlining a news article in the CNN homepage I was reading, a thought went through my headache-traumatized, allergy-pill-dosed head worthy of a royal membership as guinea pig for the ICHD, well, I thought…*blank* I don’t remember.

Well I got you reading this far talking about nothing at all, I might as well go on. Hmm


1 comment:

Laura 7abibtek said...

Very eloquent. I approve.