Now, what the hell do I talk about?
I mean, I could always talk about the fact that I've been more of a punching bag than a person for a couple of months. I could talk about the fact that I haven't gone out in a while, intentionally, except maybe last night, and a couple of nights before, ok no. I could talk about how I almost got a heart attack when I found out my coffee supply had been cut because mum couldn't remember to buy coffee on her 1-2 am mall spree, during which she bought every other possible object, edible and inedible, that you could muster to think of and I'm not going into why she did that, except that some of you might know. *looks at someone*. I could just settle on saying that Forgetting to buy coffee in this house is not to be taken lightly. You could choke me with a pillow for all I care, but don't take my coffee. Seriously. I could talk about how I've been taking some really Really worrying comments from people...Including "God you're nuts", "wow that's cold thank god I'm not married to you!", and I'm pretty sure "Subconsiously suicidal", "Prone to flesh-eating guilt attacks" and "Hell you type so fast without looking you could make it blind, wow go blind" were stuck in there somewhere. I could talk about the fact that I'm writing on my PC because I miss how the old crappy keyboard sounds. I could talk about getting three password reset e-mails to my facebook account which means someone, somewhere, has been trying to log in as me and was pretty stupid to even bother to hack me so it wouldn't look like someone was trying, which made me change it into a longass password that takes me three trials to get straight, so yeah LEMME SEE YOU LOG IN NOW, YOU WANNABE ASSHOLE! Come to think of it, that probably wasn't necessary. Ha! Felt good though. I could talk about the fact that I wanted to go running this morning and couldn't because I'm still scared the stalker who called me cupcake and insisted I look cold, and chivalrously offered to "make me warm" flashed back. Lol he gave me one hell of a good exercise though, took it up a notch. I never ran that fast for so long. haha. I could talk about the fact that I shovelled coffee into the mug and took back some into the jar and not the other way around. I could talk about how we were invited over dinner at a friend's house yesterday and we spent it talking about corpses. Yeah, sucks when both your parents and their parents are some variation of dentist/gynaecologist. You've got in one room the dudes and dudettes who handle every opening in your body and find it amusing to discuss them over dinner. Oh, and they can never relate to it because apparently, at one time during their med journey, they had to eat as they dissected, so they took their lunches to the morgue. Some even start to take a fancy to it, which I cannot relate to, to follow the analogy, unless you're a zombie who's trying to get off man-munching. The equivalent to the nicotine patch to smokers, eating a burger while watching a corpse as you fantasize how that could have been that chopped off ear no one found when the body came in. Oh and did you know they brought in the dead bodies of executed criminals? Good. Now you do. Oh and did you know that they were actually ecstatic when the body of the homicidal maniac called "The guizeh butcher" came in after being executed because, alas, not all of the bodies they got were in good shape, because most had been burned beyond recognition or incomplete. Oh the joy!
Hm, now what do I talk about?
You've never talked with Ismail, have you?
That part about your doctor relatives.
Eating in the morgue is nothing compared to what Ismail can tell you, including that for a whole semester he used to sleep with a skull under his bed.
I know.
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